(function($, window, document) { "use strict"; // a stric mode //最新最全最好的Bootstrap模板:http://www.bootstrapmb.com // initiall functions ... var tp_obj = { tp_smooth_animation: function() { var elment_to_animate = $('body').find('.tp_animate_when_visible'); $.each(elment_to_animate, function(index, el) { var $delay = $(el).data('delay'); $delay = parseInt($delay, 10); var offest = $(el).data('offest'); if (!($(el).closest('.r_slider').length)) { if (typeof offest == 'undefined') { offest = '50%'; } if (typeof $(el).data('delay') !== 'undefined') { setTimeout(function() { var waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: el, handler: function(direction) { $(el).addClass('start_animation'); }, offset: offest }); }, $delay); } else { var waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: el, handler: function(direction) { $(el).addClass('start_animation'); }, offset: offest }); } } }); }, owl_slider: function() { var $slider = $('body').find('.r_slider'); var $data = ''; $slider.on('prepare.owl.carousel', function(event) { event.data = $('<' + event.relatedTarget.settings.itemElement + '/>').addClass(event.relatedTarget.options.itemClass).attr('data-index', event.item.count).append(event.content); $slider.trigger('prepared.owl.carousel', { content: event.data }); return event.data; }); $slider.on('translated.owl.carousel', function(event) { var currentItem = $(event.currentTarget).find("> .owl-stage-outer > .owl-stage > .owl-item")[event.item.index], currentIndex = $(currentItem).attr('data-index'); $.each($('.owl-item.active .tp_animate_when_visible', $(event.currentTarget)), function(index, val) { var $delay = $(val).data('delay'); if (typeof $(val).data('delay') !== 'undefined') { if ($(event.currentTarget).hasClass('owl-mouseenter')) { $delay = 0; } setTimeout(function() { $(val).addClass('start_animation'); }, $delay); } else { $(val).addClass('start_animation'); } }); $.each($('.owl-item:not(.active) .tp_animate_when_visible', $(event.currentTarget)), function(index, val) { if ($(val).closest('.r_slider').length) { $(val).removeClass('start_animation'); } }); }); var dotts = $slider.data('dots'); var nav = $slider.data('nav'); var dots = true; var navs = true; if (typeof dotts !== 'undefined') { dots = false; } else { dots = true; } if (typeof nav !== 'undefined') { navs = false; } else { navs = true; } var animateFade = null; if (typeof $slider.data('fade') !== 'undefined') { animateFade = 'fadeOut'; } var $main_slider = $slider.owlCarousel({ loop: true, margin: 0, dots: dots, nav: navs, autoplay: true, responsiveClass: true, autoplayHoverPause: true, items: 1, navSpeed: 400, autoplayTimeout: 8000, animateOut: (animateFade !== null) ? animateFade : null, responsive: { 0: { nav: false, dots: true }, 600: { nav: navs, dots: dots } } }); $(window).on('load', function() { /* var $elCarousel = $main_slider.data('owl.carousel'); if (typeof $elCarousel !== 'undefined') { $main_slider.trigger('to.owl.carousel', [0]); $.each($('.owl-item.active .tp_animate_when_visible', $main_slider), function(index, val) { var $delay = $(val).data('delay'); if (typeof $(val).data('delay') !== 'undefined') { setTimeout(function() { $(val).addClass('start_animation'); }, $delay); } else { $(val).addClass('start_animation'); } }); } */ }); $slider.on('changed.owl.carousel', function(event) { // closes slider animationed var currentItem = $(event.currentTarget).find("> .owl-stage-outer > .owl-stage > .owl-item")[(event.item.index != null) ? event.item.index : 0]; if ($(event.currentTarget).closest('.rafaa-slider').length) { if (currentItem == undefined) { currentItem = $(event.currentTarget).children()[0] } } var itendIndex = $(currentItem).attr('data-index'); if (isNaN(itendIndex)) itendIndex = 0; $main_slider.find('.owl-item:not([data-index="' + itendIndex + '"])').removeClass('index-active'); $main_slider.find('.owl-item[data-index="' + itendIndex + '"]').addClass('index-active'); }); }, sticky_header: function(lengthHeader) { var header = $('body').find('.tp-main-menu'); if (header.hasClass("sticky-header")) { var headerscroll = $(window).scrollTop(); if (headerscroll > lengthHeader) { header.addClass('tp-fixed-nav'); header.find('.tp-menu').addClass("tp-fixed-menu"); } else { header.removeClass('tp-fixed-nav'); header.find('.tp-menu').removeClass("tp-fixed-menu"); } } }, sticky_section: function() { var sticky_section = $('body').find('.tp-full-fixed'); $.each(sticky_section, function(index, el) { var elment_height = $(el).height(); var scroll_height = $(window).scrollTop(); var waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: el, handler: function(direction) { if (scroll_height >= (elment_height) + 400) { $(el).css('position', 'static'); } else { $(el).css('position', 'fixed'); } }, offset: 0 }); }); }, // Portfolio Carousel Layout 2 mobex_owl: function() { var powl = $('body').find('.mobex-owl'); if (powl.length) { powl.each(function() { var _powl = $(this); var to_show, dots, nav, loop, center; to_show = _powl.data('show'); to_show = (to_show !== 'undefined') ? parseInt(to_show, 10) : 3; dots = _powl.data('dots'); dots = (dots !== 'off') ? true : false; center = _powl.data('center'); center = (center === true) ? true : false; nav = _powl.data('nav'); nav = (nav !== 'off') ? true : false; loop = _powl.data('loop'); loop = (loop !== 'no') ? true : false; var to_show_576 = (to_show === 1) ? 1 : 2; var to_show_768 = (to_show === 1) ? 1 : 2; _powl.owlCarousel({ items: to_show, autoplay: true, autoplayTimeout: 7000, autoplayHoverPause: true, center: center, margin: (center === true) ? 5 : null, responsiveClass: true, nav: nav, dots: dots, responsive: { 0: { items: 1, loop: loop }, 576: { items: to_show_576, loop: loop }, 768: { items: to_show_768, loop: loop }, 1140: { items: to_show, nav: nav, loop: loop } } }); }); } }, tp_ajax: function(data) { return $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "php/contact-form.php", data: data }); }, // Responsive Main Menu phone_menu: function() { // phone menu ========== $(".tp-main-menu ").on("click", ".phone_menu", function(e) { var item = $(this); item.toggleClass("ltm_icon_active"); if (!item.hasClass("ltm_icon_active")) { item.closest(".tp-main-menu").find(".tp-menu").removeClass("tp-mainmenu-mobile"); } else { item.closest(".tp-main-menu").find(".tp-menu").addClass("tp-mainmenu-mobile"); } }); $(document).on("click", "body", function(e) { var $_this = $(this); if ($(e.target).parents(".tp-menu").length === 1 || $(e.target).parents(".tagpoint-wrap-logo").length === 1 || $(e.target).parents(".tp-main-menu").length === 1) { } else { $_this.find(".tp-menu").removeClass("tp-mainmenu-mobile"); $_this.find(".phone_menu").removeClass("ltm_icon_active"); } }); //phone dropdown //phone dropdown $(".tp-main-menu").on("click", ".tp_phone_dropdown", function(e) { var _this = $(this); if (_this.hasClass("active")) { _this.removeClass("fa-chevron-up").removeClass("active").addClass("fa-chevron-down"); _this.closest("li.has-sub").find(">ul").slideUp("fast"); } else { _this.addClass("active").addClass("fa-chevron-up").removeClass("fa-chevron-down"); _this.closest("li.has-sub").find(">ul").slideDown("fast"); } }); }, // Skills Progress Bas tp_progressbar: function() { // progress bar ============= var progress_bar = $('body').find('.tagpoint_progress_bar'); $.each(progress_bar, function(index, el) { var item = $(this); var waypoint = new Waypoint({ element: el, handler: function(direction) { var idprogress = item.attr('id'); var type = item.attr('data-type'); var stockwidth = item.attr('data-stockwidth'); if (!stockwidth) stockwidth = 6; var color = item.attr('data-color'); var trailcolor = item.attr('data-trailcolor'); var trailwidth = item.attr('data-trailwidth'); var percentfontsize = item.attr('data-pfontsize'); if (!percentfontsize) percentfontsize = 18; var percentfontcolor = item.attr('data-pfontcolor'); var labelfsize = item.attr('data-lfsize'); var title = item.attr('data-title'); var animate_to = item.attr('data-to'); animate_to = parseInt(animate_to, 10); animate_to = animate_to / 100; var tpsvg = { svgStyle: null, text: { autoStyleContainer: false } }; if (type === 'line') { var tpsvg = { svgStyle: { width: '100%', height: '100%' }, text: { style: { background: color, }, autoStyleContainer: false } }; } var object_progressbar = { strokeWidth: stockwidth, easing: 'easeInOut', duration: 1400, color: color, trailColor: trailcolor, trailWidth: trailwidth, svgStyle: tpsvg.svgStyle, text: tpsvg.text, from: { color: color }, to: { color: color }, step: null, }; if (type === 'line') { object_progressbar.step = function(state, bar) { bar.setText(Math.round(bar.value() * 100) + ' %'); // bar.text.style.color = '#fff'; // bar.text.style.left = Math.round(bar.value() * 100) + '%'; } } else if (type === 'circle') { // Set default step function for all animate calls object_progressbar.step = function(state, circle) { circle.path.setAttribute('stroke', state.color); circle.path.setAttribute('stroke-width', stockwidth); var value = Math.round(circle.value() * 100); if (value === 0) { circle.setText(''); } else { circle.setText('' + value + '%
' + title + '
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'); bar.setText('' + value + '%
' + title + '
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" + text + "

"); }); /* tp_obj.tp_ajax(data).done(function(text) { form.find(".tpsend-btn").after("

" + text + "

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